Pink or Blue?

I am always impressed when couples that are expecting a baby have the patience and willpower to wait until the baby is born to find out if it’s a boy or girl! I never could! I could barely wait until the “big” ultrasound so that I could find out. So, these guys are getting close [...]

The H Family

This family just added their second boy and he looks just like his big brother did when we did his newborn shots. While little brother ate we took some time to get some pictures of Mr. P. There are several pictures that I took during the session where he was hamming it up for the [...]

Oh So Cute!

Love these girls! They are full of life and fun every single time I see them.

Miss M

Miss M was just over 2 weeks old at her newborn session and she did not want to miss a thing. So we got some open-eyed pictures first and then eventually she gave up the fight and was out for the rest of the pictures. They had relatives in town and I enjoyed meeting everyone [...]

Annual Beach Pictures…

with some of my favorite girls and their parents. I always look forward to seeing them and seeing how they’ve grown.


Cute Little Guy

Last year we had hardly any rain. So little in fact that the drought brought a lake that we go to yearly so low that you could see an old cemetery. Yikes, you never know what lies beneath the water!! Well, this year (especially lately) we have had a ton of rain. I’ve had to [...]

Phoebe – 1 Year

I cannot believe she is already a year old!! I can remember when her mom was pregnant with her brother, and then her sister and then her. That time has flown!! Her mom had a vision for the set up for the pictures and I think she did an amazing job with putting it all [...]