A super, super, super fun family

Can you tell that they’re fun??? And that they enjoy being goofy and playing around together. I love that. Mom says that the kids do argue with each other but all I saw was a good time together. And they brought their 13-year-old dog. He was pretty chilled out for his short time in the limelight. I’m sure it’s pretty entertaining to the casual passerby when there’s a dog at a photo shoot because I will meow like a cat, bark like a dog, squeak like a squirrel (Ok, I don’t know how to imitate a squirrel, but I give it a good try) and most of the time it works. It must have worked because I have lots of pics of him looking:) I truly had a blast with you guys. It didn’t feel like work at all:) Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

I love that mom likes the urban style, too.

These guys have some gorgeous eyes!

Ummmm, you would think that boys are a little sillier, but Miss L started this…

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