Little Charmer

Last time I saw Mr. B he was practically bald and immobile and now (especially because of his first haircut) he can move and looks like a little boy! Where does the time go? He was definitely a little charmer giving me hugs and wanting me to hold him.

I just adore his mom and grandma and got to meet dad this time around too.

While we were following him around I happened to see a friend of mine and her family drive by and they waved. The next day she teased me saying that at first they saw a toddler walking through a grassy field with weeds without a shirt and wondered who in the world would have a half naked toddler trampling through there possibly getting bit by mosquitoes. And that’s when they saw me. And she said it all made sense. They all said “Aaaahhhh, Laura would do this!” And to my defense the grass that we let him walk in wasn’t THAT tall (we carried him through the big stuff), we shooed any bugs away, and just about any photographer would do this:) I mean just because I took you and your kids to a dumpster for some pictures right after you moved in…..

It was sooooo good to see and hang with you guys again. Hope you enjoy the peek:)

This boy can rock a hat!

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