Mr. Speedy and His Fam

I feel so privileged to get to watch this wonderful family grow and it’s funny because I feel like we’ve come full circle. I think it was the 2nd time that I met up with them (maybe even the first time and Mr. Speedy was super little) I had to take my kids with me for some reason. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem because Mackenzie, my oldest, could hang out with and keep the other two busy. Lo and behold my girls ran to me screaming that Drew had pulled down his pants and had gone potty on the ground. He was little and I don’t think he’d ever done that. I was beyond mortified!! Also, the girls had been in school all day and we left as soon as they got home without changing or brushing their hair and they looked a little “rough”. So, my 3 probably seemed like a small group of heathens to this family. Well, while we were at the session this year, and coincidentally we were at the same location now years later, their youngest had to go to the restroom. Not having a restroom available they had him go by a tree and I reminded them of what had happened there years before when I barely knew them. It seemed like deja vu!

Mr. Speedy will also be getting a little sister soon. Now mom won’t be totally outnumbered. I can’t wait to meet her:)

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