
I met up for our first photo session with this beautiful family last May. We had some challenges with bright sunlight and catching smiles but I still adored the shots that we got. We met up again last week hoping that there might be better outdoor conditions and more smiles than last year. The wind was a little strong but the day was gorgeous. And we did get lots of smiles. Only those smiles were usually going in opposite directions. As one would come near me the other one was high-tailing it the other way! It was actually kind of comical how each little girl had their own agenda and went their own way. I know that their poor mom was stressed but I think that years from now they can look back and laugh at how many things we tried to get shots of them together and the entire family together. And luckily we did get some.
Their big brother was a hard worker that day. He corralled them constantly…I was tired just from watching him. And yes, that’s how good of shape I’m in. I get tired watching someone coral little ones:)
Introducing Miss K, Miss K and their family….

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