The Stupid Old Green Wagon That I Love

Don’t tell Drew to read my title. Because he’s good at copying words that he shouldn’t. This weekend…Easter weekend to be exact…he started singing some new songs that he’s learned. The first went something like this: “If you want to be my lover, you gotta get with my friends”. Gotta love when your 4-year-old starts belting this out around a large group of family. The next song that he decided to mimic was “God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy”. N.I.C.E. I guess I should pay better attention to the songs that the kids are dancing to on their new WII Just Dance game.

Onto the stupid old green wagon that I love. This wagon sat outside of an antique store forever. And every time I would drive by I’d eye it and think that I should stop and buy it but you know that I’ve mentioned that Chad is going to strangle me for bringing home photo stuff. Especially photo stuff that takes up room. I probably eyed this old green wagon for a good 5 or 6 months. Then it disappeared! Darn! Someone bought it. Then a month later I go into this store and there it sits…except that it has a sold sign on it. Oh well, maybe I’ll find another one. And then the next month I go in and it still sits there…sold. And the next month…sold. I figured it must be on layaway. So fast forward to February. I go into the store and it’s still there…torturing me…because by now I really want the stupid thing. I actually had a dream about it and how I’d incorporated it in a session. So I ask the people at the front what the deal was with this wagon. Oh, that wagon. The owner of the wagon decided she didn’t want to sell it after all and was going to use it to sit things in. Sit things in? Um no, I had much bigger plans for this old green wagon. So I decide to leave her a message begging and pleading for the thing. And I never heard from her. So onto March. I go in. I see the wagon. I walk to the front and ask again. They say that they gave her my message but that she’s never seen a green wagon and really wants to keep it. But, one of them will call her and see if she’s changed her mind. They tell her that the crazy, obsessed with her green wagon lady is there and really wants to buy it. And she caves!! Hallelujah!! And I got my wagon. Nevermind that I had to pay $20 more than it originally was:) So, this was the first session where we used it. It was already about dark but I got to use my very own old green rusted-out wagon:):)!

Sorry that I’m so far behind to the people that are waiting on me for something! I didn’t take into account that we’d be gone 3 days for Easter and I’m trying to jump back in and catch up.

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